合氣道是一門內外兼修、身心一體修煉,追求「人與天地自然合一」的武道。「愛」與「和平」為其精神指標。合氣道由日本人 植芝 盛平 ( うえしば もりへい Ueshiba morihei ) 「開祖」於1940年間創立。
Aikido 合気道 is a martial art that cultivates both inside and outside, integrates mind and body, pursuing the unification of human, universe and nature. Love and Peace are their spiritual indicators. Aikido was founded in 1940 by the Japanese 植芝 盛平 (うえしば もりへい Ueshiba morihei).
The development of Aikido in nation was introduced by Taiwanese teacher Li Qingnan 李清楠 from Japan in 1958. Fifteen years later, the association was established and vigorously promoted. For decades, it has cultivated countless students and tens of thousands of Taiwanese Aikido population.
In 1991, many disciples under the teacher Li Qingnan 李清楠 set up “Taiwan Aikido Expand Training Association of the Republic of China“. Under the leadership of successive directors (the current director Huang Qingye 黃清錡), uphold teacher Li’s spiritual: Each life with and live with, For the purpose of fusion. we are dedicated to advance Aikido with Taiwan’s main characteristics. So far, the Association has registered more than 1,200 members and more than 80 units of group members. There are many local Dojos throughout Taiwan. This Association is the largest and most active group in Aikido in nation.

Aikido Fundation
The World Headquarter
Organization / Shihan Certification