第 14 屆日本國際合氣道高峰會

日本合氣道總會,將於2024年9/30 – 10/6 舉辦第14屆高峰會,其中講習會在2024年10/2 – 10/6 舉行。

日本合氣道總會邀請有興趣,想要在本部道館練習的朋友來參加講習會。要報名的朋友,請以團體方式報名。請下載 下方 “HombuVisit-PriorInfo _来訪者事前情報”檔案,填寫團體資料與成員資料後,以電子郵件 intldept@aikikai.or.jp ,抬頭為 “HombuVisit-PriorInfo”,向合氣道總會報名。


  1. 所有參加人員,以團體的方式進行報名。
  2. 攜帶合氣道總會的會員卡,或有段者證書(Yudansha Book),於會場接待處進行登錄。
  3. 當日個人練習報名費用為 2200 日圓(JPY),請團體匯集全部成員的費用後,再統一繳交。
  4. 9/25 於會場接待處,開始接受繳費。請向工作人員索取練習費用申請表(Practice fee application forms),填寫後連同會員卡,或有段者證書(Yudansha Book),進行繳費。
  5. 請注意,練習費用申請表(Practice fee application forms) 數量有限,請提早到場,以便有足夠的時間在課程開始前填寫辦理完畢。
  6. 尚未取得合氣道總會的會員卡,或有段者證書(Yudansha Book)之練習人員,屆時請逕向會場接待處洽詢辦理。


Dear Aikido Organization leaders,

We hope this email finds you well.

As you may already know, the 14th International Aikido Summit will be held in Tokyo from September 30th through October 6th. The International Aikido Seminar will be held from October 2nd through the 6th.

If there is a group of your members attending the seminar who are also planning to practice at the Aikido Hombu Dojo, please let us know using the form attached to this email (titled “HombuVisit-PriorInfo”).

We expect it to be very busy. Please have participants do the following:

  1. Come to the practice together as one group.
  2. Bring their Aikikai Membership Card or Yudansha Book and submit them all to Hombu Dojo’s front desk together.
  3. Make the payment of the practice fee for that day (2200 JPY per person) as a single payment together, and not each member separately. Exact change is very much appreciated.
  4. From September 25th, the practice fee payment procedure at the front desk will change.

Please fill in the “Practice fee application form” available at the reception, and submit it along with the Aikikai Membership Card.

A limited number of “Practice fee application forms” will be available at the International Aikido Seminar. Please prepare it before your visit, or come with enough time to write it before the class.

For Seminar participants who wish to practice at Hombu Dojo, but who are not yet members enrolled in Aikikai, please check the guidance at Hombu Dojo’s front desk.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

We look forward to seeing you all.

Best regards,

Aikikai Foundation